Casual for Finals, Dec 14-16

At the discretion of the administration, “Casual Dress” (during which the HTLA uniform will be relaxed)
may be given. There is no presumption of “Casual Friday” or relaxation of the dress code on
any other day unless the students are notified by the administration by email and/or website. Casual
Friday is generally, but not solely dependent on whether or not the school campus is clean all week
and students have been in compliance with the school uniform all week. Students will be notified of
“Casual Friday” via the HTLA website and/or via email.

The following items are prohibited during Casual Friday (or at any other time on campus):

● Text on clothing that promotes violence, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs or has explicit sexual
references or profanity
● Exposed mid-sections
● Hats, hoods, or bandannas inside the building, except for religious headwear.
● Open-toed shoes (including flip flops or sandals)
● Any clothing that in the determination of the teachers or administration cause a distraction to the
education of others.
Consequences for the HTLA uniform violations:
● Students will be sent to the office to obtain clothing (from the office or home) in compliance with
dress code.
● Students who continue to repeatedly violate dress code may be subject to further consequences
which may include a parent meeting with the counselor or principal, detention and/or suspension.